The University of Stirling Podcasting Society

Your University Podcasting Society: For Students, By Students!


The following are the emails we send out via our mailing list, this is in some sense an archive of them, the links take you to the web version, and are therefore not linked to members names.

The links are occassionally shared via our Social Media, so people do access who are not counted in the recipients numbers.

The dates are the first time the emails are sent, we occassionally use the ‘resend to non-openers feature’ those dates are not included here, but the emails remain the same.

This list is published to maintain transparency, and is done in recent to least recent order.

The List



11th October 2021: EGM Results (18 Recipients)

8th October 2021: Important EGM Update (18 Recipients)

5th October 2021: Monday October 11th EGM Details (15 Recipients)

4th October 2021: EGM & October Schedule (15 Recipients)

1st October 2021: Goodbye, Hello (29 Recipients)


24th September 2021: FIXED: The Details: StirPod Give It A Go (42 Recipients)

24th September 2021: The Details: StirPod Give It A Go (42 Recipients)

15th September 2021: [Clubs & Socs Fayre] Thank you! (27 Recipients – This did not include members who were already registered prior to the fayre)